Advertise with tourist information from Minicards
We work every month with current and new advertisers that is seeking visibility to get attention from tourists/ visitors that arrive to Stockholm, Oslo and Gothenburg everyday.
All our clients we have today, have choosen Minicards on avarage for 4-6 years (not counting season 2020/2021) in a row. We work every week with expanding the market and refilling advertisers cards and have room for a total of 160 annually positions.
New for 2019:
(1) We are working to add more display locations (hotels) in each city (compared today) with the goal of growth on 25%. This will ensure our advertisers unique visibility with high rate of picked cards from tourists/ visitors.
(2) Minicards popular citymap 'MiniMap' will have a new design for 2022!!
Request advertising information today and receive Minicards information about the function, performance and prices in your city. Just add your information in the form and click 'send'!

Request Advertising Information from Minicards